Spring 2025 New Designs

171G Prairie Falcon

This medium size raptor is common in grassland and desert habitat of the Great Plains and dryer country to the west.

223 Eastern Kingbird

Though “Eastern” is part of the name, their range does extend northwest into Washington state and Canada. They have a red crest that is not easy to see at most angles unless they extend it to display aggression.

341 Horned Lizard

Sometimes called horned toads but really are lizards, these guys are associated with Southwest US and Mexico. They eat mostly harvester ants which are dependent on certain native seed-producing plants.

558 Star-nosed Mole

Named after their nose with finger-like projections, these moles swim as well as dig tunnels underground. They can smell underwater by producing bubbles around their nose. They primarily live in wet areas in Eastern North America.

643 Bluegill Sunfish

In many lakes and ponds, these are the most likely sunfish to be encountered and are a favorite for young anglers. Originally native to eastern states, they have been introduced to many waterbodies throughout the country.

828 Couch Surfing

For those of you who share your home, and your couch, with multiple dogs, this whimsical design may be a familiar sight. Note that, on the side with only one dog, the couch is tilted but becomes level once the other dog hops on.