086 Black & White Warbler (Redesign). This small streaky bird summers mostly east of the prairie regions. Many spend winters in Florida and Texas. They a unique warbler with a habitat of creeping along the bigger trunks and limbs of trees on foot. Design by Kevin .
128H Rufous Hummingbird. A wide-ranging hummingbird of the west coast and interior due to an extensive migration between Mexico and Alaska. In many of our western states and provinces they frequently appear at feeders acting aggressively toward other hummers. Design by Kevin.
112C – Common Grackle. As their name implies these birds are commonly seen from agricultural to urban habitats throughout North America except west of the Rockies. The dark feathers of the male birds shimmer iridescence in bright light. Design by Kevin.
134C Black-crowned Night Heron. These compactly built herons live all across North America mostly south of Canada, and are common in wetlands of the region. Less conspicuous in the daytime, they are active from dusk to dawn. Design by Kevin.
415R, G, B, Y Classic Dragonfly. We are bringing back a new version of our classic dragonfly design with several choices of color. You are welcome to purchase a variety and mismatch the colors on your end if you wish. Design by Kevin.
591 Caribou. This is an iconic ungulate of the northern boreal forests and Arctic tundra. Several subspecies are adapted to regions of Canada and Alaska. The European reindeer are also a subspecies. Design by Kevin.
608 Narwhal. Unless you are in the Arctic Ocean you’re not likely to see them live and in the wild. But everyone loves the “Unicorn of the Sea.” Design by Kevin.
2071 Mycorrhizal Fungi. You can be certain that many of the mushrooms piping up around you are mycorrhizal, meaning they have an important symbiotic relationship with plants. Helping trees grow is as important as breaking down dead material. Design by Kevin.
826 Let’s Play. Fun with a tug toy begins with a play bow in our new dog design. Design by Kevin.
810A, B, C, D, E Hungry Cat. Cats come in many colors but they all know how to express themselves when it’s feeding time. Design by Kevin.