Jabebo Creators
Kevin Abbott
Co-owner and creator of Jabebo Earrings.
Kevin is the chief naturalist and curator of the collection of designs and created most of the artwork. Kevin has a Wildlife Ecology degree from the University of Florida.
Mary Abbott
Co-owner and inspiration for Jabebo Earrings.
Mary has a degree in Music Ed from Penn State and a masters of Ethnomusicology from University of Maryland.
Designed: Santa and Tree, and Apple and Worm
Alex Stauffer
Alex joined Jabebo in January 2022. As Card Manager, they ensure we have the perfect cards on which to hang our earrings 🙂 They love hands-on crafting – sewing, painting, design, baking and more!
In 2019, Alex earned an Associate’s Degree in Specialized Technology in Graphic Design from South Hills School of Business and Technology.
Alex says, “Since working for Jabebo, I have taken advantage of many wonderful opportunities and participated in a ton of events. I love waking up knowing I am going to work in a place I enjoy!”
Artists and consulting acknowledgements
Cecil Fish (2014 to present)
Designed: Down’s Syndrome Society, Wild Turkey, Brazilian Free-tailed Bat, Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle, Rusty Patched Bumblebee, Nevada Bumblebee, Spotted Owl, Acorn Woodpecker, River Otter, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Pteranodon, Allosaurus, Stegosaurus, Apatosaurus, Killdeer, Hadrosaur, and Archaeopteryx, Velociraptor, Plesiosaurus.
Anne Price, President Raptor Education Foundation.
Anne volunteers resources and guidance for Jabebo raptor designs.
Kim Hunziker (2021-2023)
Kim devised the spreadsheets crucial to tracking our manufacturing process as Jabebo entered a new era doubling its productivity and sales.
Kelly Kling (2012, 2017-2018)
Designed: Gray squirrel, Zombie, Solar Eclipse, and Jack-o-Lantern, Elephants, Orangutan, 12 Days of Christmas, Grizzly Bear, and Fox Squirrel.
Mary Hanahan (2016-2017)
Developed and developed most recent version Jabebo website.
Designed: Trillium card background
Melissa Forkner (2010-2015)
Graduate of PSU College of Fine Arts and PAFA
Designed: Dias de los Muerto
Jennifer Lambert (2015 to 2016)
Designed: Brown V. Board of Education, Classic vampire
Alejandra Salazar (2019-2020)
Designed: Flamingo
Kate Veneziano (2016-2018)
Kate contributed a number of background card designs including the loon, great horned owl, sand hill crane, and red Fox.
Eric Knoll (2013-2014)
Designed: Barred Owl
Barbara Wechter (2015-2016)
Designed: Siebe Gorman Helmet, Mummy, Daggerwing butterfly, ‘I’iwi, Spice Bush Swallow Tail, and Right Whale
June Ramsey (2009)
Designed: Sunflower