Shows female hummingbird on a nest, and a male hummingbird sipping at a flower.

The only hummingbird native to the eastern US and Canada and a favorite backyard and garden visitor.

The most common hummingbird along the west coastal region including most of California and into southern Arizona. They frequent yards and gardens.

Most of their breeding range is in Mexico but their range extends into the Rio Grande Valley and southern Texas. They are know to move north along the Texas Gulf Coast regularly.

Common in the western mountain states. They like the higher altitudes of the mountains and less seen in the dry deserts and grasslands. Where they do occur they are strongly attracted to feeders.

Common in western states with a range overlapping both the Anna’s and Broad-tailed hummers. Altitude wise they can coexist with Broad-tailed but in the lower and dryer areas the black-chinned are more abundant.

Most of its range is in Mexico except the very northern part which extends into southeast Arizona.